30 day blog writing challenge

Advice for writers and bloggers

I’m taking part in Vicki Jakes’ 30 day blog writing challenge – write a blog post every day for all of June 2020.

Here are some of the other bloggers taking part in the challenge.

So I thought I’d take writing every day as a theme – whether it’s a good idea, how to do it if you want / need to, how to come up with ideas, the writing tools you can use to make the words flow.

Coffee and cake

Here’s what I’ve posted so far:

1. Why do you want to write every day?

2. Finding a time and place to write

3. Discovering your ‘writing building block’

4. So what do I write about?

5. Generating ideas

6. Using subheadings and templates

7. Try some freewriting (even if it makes you uncomfortable)

8. How to use freewriting to get things written

9. More on generating ideas

10. Why I failed at NaNoWriMo

11. Do you do these six things every day? Why writing is like parenting.

12. Why did I create a course called Starting to Write?

13. What’s in the bag?

14. Are you up for the challenge?

15 – 21. The 7 Day Writing and Mindfulness Challenge:

Day one

Day two

Day three

Day four

Day five

Day six

Day seven

22. Summing up the Writing and Mindfulness Challenge

23. A tour of my online courses and how to enroll [coming soon]

24 – 30. What you need to know if you’re starting to write: [coming soon]

  • Turning up is more important than learning the ‘rules’
  • Think balance
  • There are different types of writers – and you can be more than one
  • Three questions: Are you really looking? What are you reading? Are you supporting your community?
  • The judge will turn up – it’s all in how you think about him / her
  • The man with a gun. Chandler’s Law and Chekhov’s gun
  • Make things new. What you can learn from Viktor Shklovsky