Three videos on marketing and getting published

Book recommendations 

I’ve been trawling the archives to find book recommendations for you. Here are three videos I made a couple of years ago.

Get the low down on marketing

In this video I talk about some of the business books that will help you to understand marketing if you’ve never done it before. If you want to make a note of the titles, you can just about see all of the spines if you pause the video at 1:38.


A selection of business books for writers

Here’s a short extract from one of my online writing courses, where I talk about books on marketing written specifically for writers. It’s very short but if you pause it at about 15 secs, you can see all of the books I’ve included. I forgot to add ‘Guerrilla Marketing for Writers’ (2010, Morgan James) by Jay Conrad Levinson et al, which you might also like.

How to get your poetry published

In this video I suggest several books that will walk you through the process of getting your poetry published. It’s an extract from my online course on writing poetry. You can see all of the titles if you pause the video at 1:05.

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