A shout out to all the people that have helped

and a big thank you

I thought I would make a list of all of the resources that have helped me during the pandemic, in case they help you too. Some of these are well known, others not so much. A big thank you from me to everyone behind these – nobody is paying me to say this by the way, and I’ve linked to the free version where there is one.

Adriene Mishler and the Yoga with Adriene’s YouTube Channel

Barbara Huson / Stanny’s books on money and mindset

Brené Brown’s talks, books and podcasts

Hannah Martin’s Talented Ladies Club

Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner

The Pomodoro Technique

Sophie Hannah’s Dream Author Coaching programme

Tara Brach’s books, podcasts and meditations

The 10% Happier book, App. and podcast

Vicki Jakes and her Supercharge Your Website community

The Writing Life podcast

More soon. Until then, happy writing,

Lou xx