Do you want to get your book written and out into the world but lack of planning is holding you back? Or do you find yourself wishing you knew how to structure your book or that you just knew how to start – then you could finally get your book out in the world and feel great about it?
If so, I get it. I was once exactly like you, not knowing how to plan or where to start, or how to structure a book. My first agent told me to rewrite my first novel before it could be published and to ‘make something happen’ – I did it but only after a lot of soul searching.
After years of searching for the answer, writing both fiction and nonfiction myself, and helping other writers achieve their goals, I’ve condensed what I’ve learnt about planning into a user-friendly, step-by-step approach to planning that you can work through in a weekend.
Since inventing this system for planning a book, I’ve published a nonfiction that uses exactly the form of structuring that I teach you in the course – I even used the plan to sell the book to the publisher. And I’ve adapted the system to create a detailed plan for the crime novel I’m writing at the moment. No more soul searching required!
In this course, I explain the strategies I used to overcome my aversion to planning and my suspicion of ‘systems’ (most of which are far too complicated) and I share techniques you can start using this weekend to plan your book with confidence.
Ready to get started? Click here.
In this easy to follow class, you’ll learn how to confidently create a plan that works as a way of structuring your book, a guide to writing your book – and can easily be turned into a selling document. Here’s what you’ll learn:
After watching the course, and taking action on each activity, you’ll end up with a clear, carefully structured plan that makes the actual writing of your book a whole lot easier. So you can finally get your book out into the world. Have you go a spare weekend? Then let’s get started.
This course is taught by me! I have over 25 years of teaching experience and have written 11 books (so far!).
Many of my former students have gone on to find publishing success, and are still writing novels, short fiction, poetry and nonfiction today. They tell me that it was my down-to-earth, friendly approach that helped them get their books planned and written
In this course, all of the planning techniques I share are one I’ve used myself, based on my extensive experience as both a writer and a tutor.
Ready to get started? Click here.
“…my mind always fizzed with ideas; a blank page became something not to be feared but filled. Perhaps more importantly I changed the way I thought about myself: I saw myself as a writer – that was the most valuable lesson and for that I’m extremely grateful” – Creative Writing Student
“Even when Louise tells you to slow down, scrap that and start again, it sounds uplifting. Her workshops taught us the positive power of criticism and turned us into a community of writers. […] Louise is more than a brilliant teacher; she has the skill of a psychologist but always uses it like a friend.” – Creative Writing Student
“[This course] showed me that I don’t have to sit around and wait for inspiration to strike; I just have to pick up my pen, grab my notebook and begin writing, no matter how disorganised my thoughts may be.” – Creative Writing Student
“[Louise is] highly intuitive and understands what her students are trying to accomplish and, best of all, she knows how to guide them to accomplish their goals” – Creative Writing Student
“Louise is one of the most inspirational lecturers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is perceptive and this comes across in her fantastic attitude towards all her students. Her words are always encouraging, her feedback always thorough and constructive.” – Creative Writing Student