‘The Day of the Eggs.’ The Coil. Forthcoming. [short story]
‘Breaking and Entering.’ The Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short Fiction 2022 Anthology: Crime Stories, 2022. [short story]
‘Invisible.’ Same, Same but Different, 2021. [short story]
‘My Grandmother’s Larder’. Geek Out! II: Queer Pop Lit, Art & Ideas, 2019. [short story]
Unusual Places. Cultured Llama Press, 2018. [Short story collection]
‘García Márquez is Dead’ and ‘The Grandma Tree’. Everything is Spherical: An Anthology of Dyslexic Literature. Nov. 2014. [short stories]
‘The First Time’. Litro Magazine. Oct 2014. [short story]
‘You Are Not Special’. Litro Magazine. June 2014. [flash fiction]
‘The Swim’. The View from Here. June 2013. [flash fiction]
The Haven Home for Delinquent Girls. London: Headline Review, 2004. [novel]
The Water’s Edge. London: Headline Review, 2003. [novel]
‘The House’. Second Diva Anthology of Short Stories. London: Diva Books, 2002. [short fiction]
‘Red Roof’. Pretext 5. Norwich: Pen & Inc., 2002. [short fiction]
‘The Sun on the Surface of Brayford Pool.’ Finished Creatures, issue 5, June 2021.
‘I love this.’ Perverse, April 2020.
‘After Leaving You’ and ‘Things You Are Afraid Of’. Shearsman, April 2019.
‘Trying to Write a Haiku’. Perverse, July 2018.
‘Miracle’s Mum’. Truths: A Telltale Anthology, April 2018.
‘Houses’. Under the Radar, Nov 2016.
‘Voices’. Forgotten Letters: An Anthology of Dyslexic Literature, 2011.
‘A Hot Day, July’. The Rialto, 2001.
‘Redrafting: The Key to Creative Writing.’ HWRK Magazine. Issue 8. Summer 2019. [article]
‘The A to Z of a Writing Shed.’ Writing Magazine. May 2019. [article]
‘Evacuee Stories’. National Drama Magazine. Volume 25: 1. Spring 2019. [article]
Find Time to Write. Small Steps, 2017. [writing guide]
How to Write. Small Steps, 2017. [writing guide]
How to Write a Novel and Get It Published. Small Steps, 2017. [writing guide]
How to Think Like a Writer. Small Steps, 2017. [writing guide]
‘Learning and teaching creativity: asking how rather than can or should’. Writing in Education. No. 69, Aug 2016, p. 50-57. [article]
‘Versions of Creative Writing Teaching’. Writing in Education, No. 62, Spring 14. [article]
‘Small Steps to Creative Thinking’. Creative Teaching and Learning Magazine, Vol. 3.2, Summer 2012. [article]
The Small Steps Guide to Goal Setting and Time Management. Brighton, Emerald, 2012. [book]
‘Creative Visualization’, Writing in Education, 47, Spring 09. [article]
‘Searching for “the bandaged place”’. In Emily Orley and Katja Hilevaara. The Creative Critic: writing as / about practice. Routledge, 2018. [Chapter, forthcoming]
‘Risk, Constraint, Play: A New Paradigm for Examining Practice-as-Research’. Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, Vol 21: 1, April 2017. [Essay]
‘Dyslexic Writing: Reflexive Practice as Authentic Methodology’. Writing in Practice Journal, 1:1, 2015. [Essay]
‘The construction of hirsuitism and its controlling and disabling manifestations’. In Karín Lesnik Oberstein, ed. Rethinking Disability Theory and Practice: Challenging Essentialism. Palgrave, 2015, pp. 37-53. [Chapter]
‘A Search for a Creative Pedagogy: How Research Can Inform Teaching Practice in Creative Writing’. Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, Vol. 17: 2, October 2013. [Essay]
‘Patrolling of the cultural borders of the body: Is hair a second skin?’ Textile. Issue 10.3, 2012, pp. 262-275. [Essay]
‘Elizabeth Siddal’s Hair: A Methodology for Queer Reading’. Women: A Cultural Review, 22:4, 2011. Pp. 370-386. [Essay]
‘The History of Pubic Hair or Reviewers Responses to Terry Eagleton’s After Theory.’ The Last Taboo: Women & Body Hair. Ed. Karin Lesnik-Oberstein. MUP, 2007, pp. 48-65. [Chapter]