Towards the end of 2020, I found myself browsing books and impulsively buying a few that I had added to my basket. I was shocked that the total was nearly £50 but I vaguely thought ‘They’re books – it doesn’t count’ and bought them anyway. They arrived, and sat by my bed, and in my head they became ‘the random books I spent £50 on’. There’s nothing wrong with spending £50 on books, it was spending £50 impulsively that I felt guilty about. That made me wonder if I could go for a whole year without buying any books.
So, in 2021, my New Year’s Resolution was not to buy any books for a year, modified shortly afterwards to ‘not to buy any books for myself’. (Admittedly this caveat made it much easier to stick to!) There was no moral or ethical component to this resolution I hasten to add, unlike those who resolve not to buy anything for a year, which is obviously much harder and clearly has an ethical element. So it wasn’t particularly virtuous, but it did teach me a lot.
Firstly, let me answer this question, which came up a couple of times when I told people about the challenge I’d set myself. Given that I’m a writer and a writing tutor and editor, shouldn’t I be supporting writers and publishers by buying books? The short answer: yes, but not ALL the books! Here’s my longer answer:
I got three reactions when I told people about my resolution:
Because I asked for books for my birthday (in September) and Christmas, I had quite a few to keep me going well into 2021. I also bought a few for myself on 31st Dec 2020, which is sort of cheating but I said there was no moral / ethical aspect so it doesn’t matter.
When I needed or wanted to read a book I didn’t have, here’s what I did. If the pandemic hadn’t been on, I would have used the library more, but for a while I was avoiding the bus (I can’t drive) and public places generally:
I didn’t immediately buy myself a book on the stroke of midnight when the challenge finished, and I think that means I had weaned myself off impulsive book buying, which was the point all along. I got myself a hardback Agatha Christie (which I had promised myself as a reward) second hand and a couple of nonfiction books I’d been wanting to read – ironically on how to think differently about money, which I’d kind of being doing all year. The good thing about having a wish list is that you quickly realise which books you really want.
I learnt that impulsively buying books isn’t (always) a good thing, and that I like giving and receiving books as presents. My resolution also taught me that buying a book and reading a book aren’t the same thing. There are still books in the £50 pile I bought towards the end of 2020 that I haven’t read.
More soon. Until then, happy reading,
Lou xx