Get clear about your ideas so you have the best chance of finishing and publishing your self-help book, avoiding the confusion and overwhelm. You’ll come up with a set of powerful ideas and as well as a practical – and flexible – plan of action. Learn how to come up with sellable book ideas time and time again. Sign up for free today.
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So, you’re here because you want to write a book, you know the genre or the subject matter, but you don’t know where to start. Or you know what you want to write about, sort of, but can’t seem to figure out a way to get it down on the page.
Or you’ve said you’ll write a book ‘one day’ but lack of ideas is holding you back.
Or you have a general idea for your self-help book, but you don’t know how to structure it. Don’t worry: you’re in exactly the right place!
Come up with great ideas time and time again using this fool proof but little-known system. It’s a powerful and user-friendly because we’re going to start with something I can guarantee you already know a lot about.
You’re going to learn to get specific so that your ideas really work AND you’re going to learn how to structure them from the get-go – something most writers forget to do.
As well as coming up with ideas, you’ll get to gen up on three things that beginner writers seldom consider before they start: the shape of your book, your readers and who’s likely to publish your book when it’s finished.
I’m a novelist and a writing tutor. A few years back I wrote the first ‘small steps guide’ using exactly the ideas I’m going to share with you in this course. I’m super proud of this course because I get to share what I’ve learnt with a wider audience. Not only that, but these are techniques that you can start TODAY and FOR FREE!
Louise Tondeur: Writer
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