I gave up my job and am now working for myself full-time as a writer. This is my account of my progress – literally a web log of what happens. And who knows what will happen? If you don’t sometimes take a step into the unknown, nothing will ever change. In Tarot card called the Fool card, the fool is about to step off the cliff. This is an interesting archetype. When he steps off the cliff, he’ll discover he can fly, so several Tarot teachers say, but in the card that hasn’t happened yet. Actually, before the Fool takes the step off the cliff, he doesn’t know what will happen next. What’s the impetuous for the change? The main one is the death of my father, in February 2016. February is a transitional kind of month, really. It still feels like winter and yet the snowdrops come out, and spring is starting. ‘Light without heat’ is one way to describe Imbolc – which happens in February and the Tarot card The Star. Imbolc is also Brigid’s Day, and she’s the goddess of poetry. February is the birth month of several close family. If you read the poem February not everywhere (which we have at the top of our stairs) you get another take on February. My reading of the poem is that yes, it is still February inside, although it’s another kind of February. So although Day One of my new writing life is today (in July), my other day one was in February and I’m carrying February around with me, channeling Februaries. I don’t know what will happen next, but here goes.