Find a notebook that isn’t too fly away and that isn’t too beautiful. Both might stop you from writing in it. Dedicate it to your writing practice. Don’t use it for anything else. It doesn’t need to be expensive, but it does need to feel comfortable. I prefer A5 ring bound notebooks or the plain brown muji ones, but that’s me. Find a notebook you can love.
Carry your notebook around with you and write in it during the day in odd moments, on the train, in cafes, when a thought or idea occurs to you, or when you simply want to mull something over. Take your notebook out with you on writing trips. Use it to note down observations and for freewriting. There’s more on both of those techniques here.
A notebook is great for writing ‘live’. In other words, take it out on location with you. This might be somewhere quite ordinary like the local park or you could take it to an interesting or quirky or historical location. Sit in this space an write for a while, using freewriting to get going. Let me know how you get on in the comments.
More soon. Until then, happy writing,
Louise xx