Session three
Gas mask practice Hallow School 1940s Source:
This is session three in a scheme of work on the evacuee experience.
Use a combination of the warm ups you’ve used so far in session one and session two. This gives the students a sense of familiarity and eases them back into the topic. If possible, revise some of what you did last time, with the aid of a display or pictures on a screen if you have that available.
1. In a circle, ask students to read out one or two lines each from the poems they wrote at the end of the first session.
2. Discuss the poems and offer suggestions for finishing them off. (If necessary, spend some class time working on the poems.)
3. In small groups, students read aloud the poems they have written.
4. Students spend time rehearsing one of these poems and bringing it to life. Choose a director for each group if you like.
5. Students show these poems the rest of the group or to another class, choosing any kind of audience shape they like.
6. Come back to the circle and evaluate the performances and discuss what you’ve learnt.
7. Add the poems to your display if you are able to.
8. Optional extra: Ask students to research poems about the evacuee experience and to bring them in to the next session.
Ask students to prepare a presentation for the next session on: performance poetry, an evacuee story, a photograph or poem they have found during their research.
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