“This is a more immediate question but are you writing a new novel or will you be talking about the process in general?! X”
“I’d like to know how you stay motivated to see it through to the end.”
“What was your biggest push to start?”
“How do you create interesting and intriguing characters? Do you plan this out before you start writing or do they kind of emerge as you go along?”
“If you know what the story will be or does it unravel and develop as you are midweek writing?”
“Where do you start with marketing your books, Louise?”
“Do you practice writing everyday & do you keep a diary? If you do keep a dairy, I’m nosey, what’s in it?” [I’m hoping this means diary and not dairy.]
“How do you get critical distance from your work?”
“How long do you write for and which method you use?”
“Where do you get your inspiration?”
“What do you do when you get stuck?”
“How do you know when it’s finished?”
“Anything about your journey would be interesting Louise!”
“I’d like to know how you start – quite a big task!”
“Mine’s simply: where do you write? Do you sit in an “office” or a local coffee shop or a tree house or a combination of all 3?”
“How do you keep writing/editing/progressing when the inner critic rears its ugly head?”
“I would like to know where you get your inspiration from x”
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If you’d like to get updates about my novel writing journey, be sure to download the free short story. (Blue link, right at the top of this page.)