Take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learnt from doing the challenge over the last couple of days. Was it difficult / easy to find the time? How hard was it to stop and do nothing but look around you for five minutes? When you noticed the colours and the different smells on day two, did these things stimulate any thoughts or ideas? Use the comments to let me know how it’s going so far.
You’re going to observe the world around you again today. Do this in the spot where you usually have your tea break. Yesterday we concentrated on sight and smell. Today I want you to focus on three other senses: hearing, taste and touch. Here’s how:
If any of these senses aren’t available to you, focus on those you have.
If you want to extend the challenge, focus on each of your senses in turn at different times of the day and write a sentence describing what you experience.
Tomorrow we’re going on a mindful walk. In case you want to plan that in advance, the post is already available here.
Until then, happy writing,