Writing resources

Twitter follows and websites for readers and writers (PDF download)

Start to write – for beginner writers who want to get some words down.

What’s the secret to good writing? – how to make your writing sing.

Great Things Start With Small Steps – an article about what ‘being creative’ actually means, and how to do it. Click to download a free PDF.

Answer just three questions to start your novel today – steps to take to start your novel and create a lead character occupying a fictional world.

How to create an intriguing lead character – steps you can take today to create a lead your readers will root for.

How to use quirk lists – more on creating great characters.

Why problems are great for writers: and how to use them to your advantage – how to use ‘the problem technique’ to structure your novel.

A clickable list of books on novel writing and getting published – some of the resources featured in my book on novel writing.

How to plan a novel in an afternoon – watch the long version (35 mins) or the short version (4 x 1 min).

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