Your questions answered

Live from writing a novel HQ (aka my shed)

Remember I said that you get to share my novel writing journey? Well, life got in the way a bit – school holidays, and horrible dental work, and then we had a bereavement – I travelled to the funeral in Cornwall last week. Thing is, that’s what always happens. I don’t mean there’s always a holiday, dentist or bereavement to deal with, but there’s always LIFE. Stop pretending that your writing exists separately from LIFE and you’ll feel much better about how your writing is going. The writing process is always about writing anyway even though LIFE gets in the way. There will be stops and starts, barriers, problems, delays, interruptions, because that’s what being a human being is like. Anyhow, thanks for bearing with me. I made this video yesterday responding to your questions. For some reason it went sideways when I put it on Facebook so I’ve flipped it round and added it below. Hope you enjoy it.