I have created several Mind Maps down the years that illustrate some aspect of Creative Writing teaching. I used some of them in the recent workshop I led at the Festival of Dyslexic Culture, for instance.
I want to use this space to share some of my Mind Maps with you. You will have to use the zoom feature to navigate most of them, especially the first one.
This Mind Map became an article called ‘Versions of Creative Writing Teaching’. Writing in Education, No. 62, Spring 2014.
At the Festival of Dyslexic Culture I asked workshop participants to choose between the following three writing workshops. By a narrow majority, they voted for freewriting! Here are the Mind Maps I used:
At the SEDA conference I gave a talk on creativity with some of my colleagues and used this Mind Map on the Creative Toolkit.
When I gave a talk at Dyspla (the Dyslexia Arts Festival) I used this Mind Map called Dyslexia: Help or Hindrance?
A while ago I looked at different ways to understand feedback in Creative Writing and this Mind Map was the result of that project.
Here’s a Mind Map outlining a series of fiction classes I taught and the different story forms we would look at over the term.
A Mind Map I did for first year Creative Writing students to revise the concept of Show Not Tell.
A workshop I did with Art Therapy Postgraduate students on how to Mind Map.
Here’s a training pack I worked on at the University of Roehampton in 2007, after training with Tony Buzan, and teaching Mind Mapping to dyslexic students and support workers in a series of workshops.